TheMidlife - The Health Farm

A future project for more
female power,
Focus and vitality

Carefree through
the middle of life
TheMidlife project
This future project is based on a vision of the founder. All ideas and photos are examples of a possible implementation. These should arouse emotions and appeal to people who help make this project a reality.

Naturheilpraxis mit Mikronährstoffanalyse
Gynäkologische Fachberatung und Aufklärungsseminare
Ernährungsberatung mit Kochschulungen
Microgreens, Obst- und Gemüseanbau
Sport-und Bewegungsparcours
Mutparcours in der Farmscheune
tiergestütztes Coaching

YOU will be a project companion!
TheMidlife is under construction. We are looking for now
Therapists, doctors and expert knowledge (climacteric)
Property in nature
Network companion
Idea and tipster
We are happy to add interested customers to our waiting list

TheMidlife Farm
Far from the noise of this world, where the north is really real
our American-style farm is hiding.
The property houses the farm suites, the farm kitchen, the activity rooms, the encouragement barn and of course the farm buildings for the animal experts and the greenhouses. Surrounded by forest and meadows.
Do you have the right plot of land or a perfect property?
Hier werden Frauen zu wahren Heldinnen ihres Lebens.

Exercise, nutrition and mindset
Based on state-of-the-art diagnostics, each participant receives a personal profile of their health strengths and risks in order to optimize their lifestyle and achieve sustainable effects. Especially in the middle of life, we focus specifically on your personal future and coach you in different areas of life.
Our first-class team of doctors, naturopaths, nutrition specialists, coaches and personal trainers as well as our exclusive farm animals are available for this.
What is your expertise?

Activities on the farm
Our participants receive a daily plan that does not contain a lot of space for free time - because here the women are intensely challenged and encouraged! Our team takes you out of your comfort zone and boosts you into new worlds. We value community and so we involve them in many activities on the farm.
Of course, there are also seasonal activities for the general public, for example the adoption of tree sponsorships, the lake picnic, field gliding, the meadow Olympics or Christmas singing. There is a health fair once a year.
May we invite you to join us?

Our expertise:
General education on menopause
Individual diagnostics on the subjects of exercise, nutrition and mindset
Determination of the current situation and implementation strategies for a better quality of life
Animal-assisted coaching
Nutritional advice for everyday life